“A spark of hope”
- Your donation for a better future

Support us on our way to the Bundestag: We are campaigning for positive change that not only prevents the worst, but also enables the best: a strong, climate-neutral, innovative and fair Europe. You can support us with your donation.

The following is important for a donation to Volt Germany: You can only donate if you are a citizen of the European Union and up to a maximum of 1000 Euros.

We recommend German citizens to donate via the following link: voltdeutschland.org/spenden.

This is why we need your address or personal data

For reasons of German Party Law, we are obliged to be able to prove the origin of all donations. And it is only on these donations that we receive the very important subsidies from party funding (45% of your donation amount).

Furthermore, we cannot issue you with a donation receipt without your personal details. You can find further information in our FAQ on donations and in our transparency guidelines (both pages are available in German only).

Questions about your donation?

Do you still have questions about your donation? Then visit our information page or contact us directly at [email protected].